What We Do
We work directly with commerce and industry and can provide advice on the suitability of workstation and equipment designs along with recommendations for improvements. We can provide design specifications and guidance when new workstations and work areas are being planned and point to more appropriate 'fit-for-purpose' designs.
We specialise in investigating the causes of employee ill-health, either involving groups of employees or on a one-to-one basis and outlining a plan for improvement. We can also provide advice relating to accommodating ill-health and disability in the workplace. We also assist with product design from the development of design specifications through to organising and managing user trials. Our advice includes reference to current industry standards as well as applicable Regulations, Standards, Guidance and ACOPs.
Expert witness work
We can prepare reports in respect of personal injury claims and specialise in cases relating to upper and lower limb disorders, manual handling injuries and back injuries. We have also been involved in criminal cases and cases involving fatalities. We accept instructions on behalf of the Claimant, Defendant or on a joint basis. We have experience of attending Court in the UK and Ireland to give evidence in person and remotely.
We offer a range of courses that we deliver at the client’s own site. We currently provide a two day “Introduction to Ergonomics” course, a one day “Ergonomics in Design” course and a five day “Ergonomics” course.
The courses should benefit a range of individuals such as engineers, architects, designers, planners, health and safety managers, occupational health staff, etc, and anyone who has responsibility for developing and managing their own workplaces. We also offer “Manual Handling Instructors and Assessors” courses, “Practical Manual Handling Skills” courses for employees within all types of working environments and “Display Screen Equipment Assessor” courses.